Baseline creation

The baseline is the complete copy of a project plan that you can compare to the current schedule to evaluate progress.

Before updating the schedule for the first time, you should make a baseline plan. A baseline is a complete copy of a project plan that you can compare to the current schedule to evaluate progress. Within the layout, you can display baseline data in graphical and column data format to perform cost and schedule analysis.

You can compare three baselines at a time.

You may, for example, want to create a baseline of the original project schedule, and then create two additional baselines at different stages of the project.

You can compare these to the current schedule to see how you are progressing according to the project plan. You can also create a project baseline to use for summarization.

Create a baseline:

1. Open the projects for which you want to create a baseline.

2. Select Project, Maintain Baseline, then, if more than one project is open, select the projects for which you want to create a baseline.

3. Click on Add.

4. Select to save a copy of the current project as a new baseline or convert another project to the baseline of the current project, then click OK.


You can create and assign a calendar for each resource and each activity. These calendars define the working hours available in each calendar day.

Specify You can also specify national holidays, your organization's holidays, project-specific work / non-workdays, and resource holidays.

Tracking calendar assignments are used for activity scheduling, tracking, and resource leveling.
Whether an activity uses its specified calendar or the calendar of a specified resource depends on the activity type you specify.

There are three types of calendars: global, resource, and project.

The  Global calendar contains calender that apply to all projects in the database.

The Project Calendar has a separate pool of calendars for each project.

The  resource calendar is a separate pool of calendars for each resource.

Steps to create a calendar:

Choose Enterprise  ------> Calendar. Choose Global and then click Add.

Here you have to remember one thing that i am pointing for your refrence point of view so no confusion should be there.So remember the below mentioned points:
  • It is not possible to directly copy and paste calendars in P6, although there is an option to base the calendar on the current calendar.
  • When creating a calendar in a P6 client, you can base the calendar on either the resource calendar or the global calendar.
  • When creating a calendar in P6 Web, you can base the calendar on a resource calendar, global calendar, or project calendar (if both projects are open).

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