Abbrevations used in Civil Engineering Field:

Abbrevations are used in various other fields as well but in civil engineering you should remember these common abbrevations that are :-

Abbrevations in civil field

A.A.S.H.T.O – American Association of State Highway Transport

A.B – Anchor Bolt Or Asbestos Board

A.C.I – American concrete institute.

A.R.E.A – American Railway Engineering Association.

A.S.C – Allowable stress of concrete.

A.S.T.M – American Society for Testing Materials

AC – Asphalt Concrete

AE – Assistant Engineer

APM – Assistant Project Manager

B.M – Benchmark

B.M – Bending moment.

B.O.F – Bottom Of Foundation

BHK – Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen

BLK – Block Work

BOQ – Bill Of Quantities

BRW – Brick Retaining Wall

BWK – Brick Work

C.I.Pipe – Cast iron pipe.

C.I.Sheet – Corrugated Iron sheet.

CBW – Concrete Block Wall

CC – Cement concrete.

CC – Centre To Centre

CE – Chief Engineer

CIP – Cast In Place

CJ – Construction Joint

CL – Centre Line

CMU – Concrete Masonry Unit

CP – Cement plaster.

CPM – Critical path method.

CRW – Concrete Retaining Wall

CS – Comparative statement.

D – Diameter

D.L – Dead load.

Dia – Diameter

DIM – Dimension

DL – Development Length

DPC – Damp proof course.

DPR – Daily Progress Report

DRG – Drawings

DWLS – Dowels

E.L – Environmental load.

EGL – Existing ground level.

EJ – Expansion Joint

EL – Existing Load

ELCB – Earth Leak Circuit Breaker

F.M – Fineness Modulus.

FGL – Formation ground level.

FL – Floor Level

FOC – Factor Of Safety

Ft – Foot Or Feet

GL – Ground Level

GP – Ground plane.

HAC – High Alumina Cement

HFL – Highest flood level.

HP – Horizontal plane.

IOM – Inter Office Memo

ISI – Indian Standard Institute.

JE – Junior Engineer

JST – Joist

Kg – Kilogram.

L.L – Live load.

LC – Lime concrete.

LW – Light Weight

LWC – Light Weight Concrete

M – Meter

MB – Measurement book.

MCB – Miniature Circuit Breaker

MEP – Mechanical Electrical Plumbing

MFL – Maximum Flood Level

MM – Millimeter.     

MRC – Material Receipt Challan

MT – Metric Tonnes

N – Newton

NCF – Neat cement finishing.

OGL – Original ground level .

OPC – Ordinary Portland Cement

OSR – Open Soace Reservation Area

PC – Pile Cap

PC – Precast Concrete

PCC – Plain Cement Concrete

PERT – Programme Evaluation and Review Technique.

PL – Plinth level.

PM – Project Manager

PO – Purchase Order

PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

PPR – Poly Propylene Random.

PSF – Pound Per Square Foot

PSI – Pound Per Square Inch

PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride

PWD – Public Works Department

QC – Quality control

QS – Quantity Surveyor

R.B.W – Reinforced brick work.

RBC – Reinforced Brick concrete.

RC – Reinforced Concrete

RCC – Reinforced Cement Concrete

RL – Reduced level.

RMC – Ready Mixed Concrete concrete.

SCC – Self Compacting Concrete

SRC – Sulphate Resisting Cement

STP – Sewage Treatment Plant

SWG – Standard wire gauge.

TB – Tie Beam

TBM – Tunnel Boring Machine

TDS – Total Dissolved Solids

TMT – Thermo Mechanical Treatment

TOB – Top Of Beam

TOC – Top Of Concrete

TOW – Top Of Wall

U.S.C – Ultimate stress of concrete.

UPVC – Unplasticized Polyvinyl chloride.

USD – Ultimate strength design.

VP – Vertical plane.

W.C – Water closet.

W.S.D – Working stress design.

WL – Working Level

WO – Work Order

Lets think out of box , type the abbrevations that you know in the comment section below. 


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