As per IS: 1202 - 1978 -Determine the specific gravity of semi-solid bitumen road tars, creosote and anthracene oil.


Specific reliability bottles

i) Special gravity bottles of 50 ml capacity

ii) Water bath

iii) Bath Thermometer with Range 0 to 44 , graduation 0.2 


Take a sample (half of the specific gravity bottles).


It is the ratio of the mass of a given volume of bitumen to the mass of the same volume of water, both taken at a record / specified temperature.


i) Clean, dry and weigh specific gravity bottle with stopper (weight - A).

ii) Fill the specific gravity bottle with specific boiled distilled water and put the stopper firmly. Put it in a water bath with a temperature of 27 + 1 oC for no less than half an hour and weigh it (weight - B).

iii) Weigh specific gravity bottle of about half filled with material (weight - C ).

iv) Weigh specific gravity bottle-half filled with material and other half with distilled water (weight - D ).

v) The specific gravity bottle is completely filled with material (weight - E ).


i) Specific gravity (solid and semi-solid) = (C-A) / {(B-A) - (D-C)}

ii) Specific gravity (fluid or liquid) = (E-A) / (B-A)

The average of the two results should be stated.

Differences between:

OPC cement vs PPC cement

Hydraulic lime vs Fatlime

Bolt vs Screw

Concrete vs Mortar


Pier vs Abutment

Culvert vs Bridge

Whole Circle Bearing vs Quadrantal Bearing

Lintel level vs Sill level vs Plinth level

Construction Joint vsExpansion Joint

One way slab vs two wayslab

Site Engineer vs SiteSupervisor

For Testing:

Slump cone test, Silt content, Water absorption, Bulking of sand
Compaction factor test of concrete
Los Angeles Abrasion test on Aggregates

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